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Our Security

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Our top priority is to ensure clients security.

Be rest assured that your money is and guranteed safe with the best security system and experts at Transferdove..

From identity theft prevention to fraud protection, your bank account/E-secure wallet account being safe is our top priority. Find out more about the security measures we use to protect your personal and business banking accounts.

  • We have a dedicated offline server for your finance, so be assured no loss of funds.
  • 247 security experts working to keep your finance and investments assets safe.
  • Reliable and consistent mode of handling financial matters.
  • We give you the best online financial security 100%.

“Protects you with security advice. With our experts advisers we put you on the right track choosing a good banking account type”

Keep your details safe

Always assure that your banking details E.g. pin, credit card and password are safe and not sgared with any third party.

Shop safely online

Take cautions when shoping online, use only trusted websites with your card.

Online and mobile banking security

We assure you a very secure security and we urge you also follow security advice to give you 100% banking experience.

Protect your money

Never reveal your personal sensitive banking information to a third party.

Protect your personal data

Protect your self online and offline, your banking details should not be shared.

Manage your security

Get a password manager to keep ur details if necessary, store offiline if possible.